One Day Only
Thursday, September 13, 2012
10:00 AM until 7:00 PM

Van Horne Jewelry's 2012 Estate Sale is coming soon. The sale will feature over 600 pieces of vintage engagement rings, pearls, cameos, antique cut diamonds, bold gold, exotic colored gems, platinum and filigree designs gathered from estates worldwide.
The collection includes previously owned pieces from celebrities including Elizabeth Taylor, John Wayne, Bette Midler, Cher, Bob Hope, Tony, Curtis, Mia Farrow, Mary Pickford, and more! There will be signed pieces from designers and from Tiffany & Cartier Jewelers.
Mark your calendar and make plans now to view these rare pieces of exquisite jewelry from the past. Don't miss this exciting One Day Only Opportunity. Van Horne Jewelers looks forward to seeing you as our guest at this extraordinary event.